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My larps

I figure this would be a good place to showcase the larps I created, worked on or helped with the most, as well as the other larp-related projects, conventions, papers etc.

Chamber larps

Larp jam larps and nanolarps

  • Lobes for Business - a five player, 20-30 minute competitive larp minigame in which players portray Ferengi traders in a Star Trek universe, created for Sekcija 31 program at SFeraKon 2021.
  • Five Minutes of Love - (with Yaraslau Kot, Marie Koleva and Petar Lozev) - a five player, 20 minute larp with four acts lasting five minutes each. All characters except one communicate in a non-verbal fashion. Created during the larp jam on PoRtaL VI.
  • Half a Portal - (with Zvonimir Barać and Martin Gašparić) - a small larp jam project done at Terrible Creations workshop in 2017 that was supposed to be a cyberpunk voodoo game about space exploration, but quickly turned into a spell slinging madhouse. A 30 minute chamber larp for 6-10 players. All materials are freely available.
  • Who let the dog out - (with Matija Mihoković and Tamas Balog) - a short larp about family inheritance drama, perception, secret agents and aliens - created during the nanolarp workshop at PoRtaL 5.
  • Od braka do braka, "Prijatelji", Daleko, Vjera i moć, Understanding humanity - five minilarps, part of the art challenge I took on Facebook
  • (Re)union - (with Ivana Delač, Vesna Kurilić, Marko Zadro, Brittany Rastsmith) - a modern one-shot larp about a certain rich family for 10 people... It was a "mystery larp" created on PoRtaL convention in under 48 hours by the team as a part of the Create a larp workshop. It was run on March 3rd, 2013.

Past projects:

  • Izgon - a quad of pervasive urban fantasy/SF one-shot larps. Fully documented, documentation is freely available. Spawned a chamber larp Izgon: The Experiment and several media as it's legacy, and it's been novelized by Ivana Delač.
  • Noćne Kronike - a Vampire: the Masquerade Sabbat chronicle. For a short time it had a werewolf larp ongoing in the same world, culminating in the Week of Darkness pervasive event. Few of those Werewolf events might still happen on occasion.
  • Terra Nova - a fantasy campaign which ran from 2012-2015, influenced by German and Nordic larp
  • Camarilla Agram - a former Vampire: the Masquerade Camarilla chronicle ran by a rotating group of organizers.
  • Ognjeni mač Gozba na Banovom Brijegu: 3 fantasy events (one in 2009., 2010. and 2011.) under Ognjeni Mač, in the common Croatian fantasy larp world. Also, coorganized Jaska 4 larp (July 2009)
  • Krvomeđe - coorganized Amtgard events (Rajski Vrhovi 16 and 17 in 2012, 18 in 2013, and Dec. 2011 event) and several battlegames on Krvomeđe

Larp rulesets I worked on:

  • ConQuest of Mythodea - translated from English and German into Croatian
  • Amtgard 8.0 - translating from English into Croatian (work in progress)
  • Ognjeni Mač 2.0 - some suggestions I made (like the multiclass system) got incorporated in rules
  • Simple Larp System - a set of simple 1 page fantasy rules (in English and Croatian)


  • PoRtaL (March 1st - 3rd, 2013.) - coorganized. It was the first larp convention in Croatia and region. Also did several presentations, workshops and larps on it.
  • PoRtaL3 (February 28 - March 2nd, 2015) -  was the main organizer of PoRtaL3 in Zagreb.
  • Done a number of talks, larps, panels and workshops on other PoRtaL conventions, and several other sci-fi, fantasy and gaming conventions in general.


  • The Croatian Larp Scene (New England Interactive Literature. "Game Wrap Volume 3". 2019. Page 34)
  • Promotion of Larp in Croatia (Truhlář, Michal. "Odraž se dokud můžeš: sborník larpové konference Odraz 2012", powerprint s.r.o., Praha 2012)
  • Citations in:
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