Or at least this year's Croatian LARP season is. Even though the actual year ends in two weeks, no LARPs have been scheduled for the remainder of the year. After today, that is. Because today is Maksimir 53, which has the honor of being the last event of the year. Perhaps it manages to wrap up its tiny story arc which started on Maksimir 51? We'll see. Most other LARPs wrapped up their stories as much as they could. Which gave this year the feeling of being somehow complete. With most large and midsize LARPs ever to be organized in Croatia, old ideas which were finally made to work, and plenty of new ideas and creativity we have seen. We made awesome connections with LARPers from other countries - Slovenia, Serbia and USA primarily, but also players from Bulgaria (who by the way have a new site ), Germany, UK, Denmark, etc. It was a wild ride, sometimes bumpy, but overall we have truly created something here this LARP season, something that's hopefully going to last
A blog about larp and Croatian larp scene